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Billing information

In order to ensure users fair share of the cluster and to consider the differences in the used resources, Vega uses Slurm accounting and fairshare system. Slurm’s Trackable RESources (TRES) allows the scheduler to charge users for how much resources they have used. On Vega system we set TRES for CPU, GPU and Memory usage.

To view the configured TRES charge, you can run:

scontrol show partition <name>

For CPU partition the weights are:


For CPU Large memory the weights are:


For GPU partition the weights are:


Since all CPUs are of the same type, we normalise TRES to 1.0. The theoretical performance of AMD EPYC 7H12 processor is 2 TFLOPs per socket and the theoretical peak performance with double precision of NVIDIA A100 is 9.5 TFLOPs.

Resource Type TRES for cpu/longcpu partition Type TRES for gpu partition Type TRES for largemem partition
AMD Epyc 1.0 1.0 1.0
NVIDIA A100 0 64.0 0
Memory 1GB 0.5GB 0.25GB

Usage calculation

Users can easily calculate their usage with the following formula:

TRESBillingJobValue  = JobWalltime * TRESBillingJobWeight

Where the JobWalltime is real time job duration and TRESBillingJobWeight is calculated with the following formula:

TRESBillingJobWeight = MAX(TRESAllocatedCPUs*TRESBillingCPU,TRESAllocatedMem*TRESBillingMem,TRESAllocatedGPUs*TRESBillingGPU)

Usage in CoreHours is calculated with the following formula:

JobUsageCost[CoreHours] = 1/2 TRESBillingJobValue

Usage in NodeHours is calculated with the following formula:

JobUsageCost[NodeHours] = 1/256 TRESBillingJobValue


If the job required:

Cores = 256 

Memory = 250GB

GPU Nodes = 4

and JobWalltime is 1h


The TRESBillingJobWeight is calculated with the following formula:







TRESBillingJobWeight = MAX(256*1, 250*0.5, 4*64)= 256

So, now we can calculate TRESBillingJobValue with the following formula:

TRESBillingJobValue  = JobWalltime * TRESBillingJobWeight
TRESBillingJobValue = 1*256 =256

Usage in CoreHours is:

JobUsageCost[CoreHours] = 256/2 = 128

Usage in NodeHours is:

JobUsageCost[NodeHours] = 256/256 = 1

To see your accounting data click on this link.